Composting made easy
- R.City delivers all compost supplies needed to your front door (i.e. 5-gallon compost bin, paper bag liner, odor preventer, and an air-tight lid).
- Use your bin to collect all compostables throughout the week including 100% of food waste, food-soiled paper products (napkins, paper towels, pizza boxes, coffee filters), and any certified compostable items.
- Place your bin out on your designated service day (R.City will assign a service day to you).
- Our driver will exchange your full compost bin for a fresh bin between the hours of 6 am and 9 pm in accordance with your service plan – we offer weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly service.
- In the 14-Day Free Trial, we offer two weekly pick-ups to help you decide what service plan will work best for you after the trial is complete.
Please view our service map under our residential services page to see if we service your area (map located at the bottom of the page).
Absolutely! We service many apartments/condo’s across the Valley. To be able to service your home, we’ll just need your unit number, gate code & building number (if applicable), and any other special instructions that may be helpful to our drivers.
For units with stricter restrictions, we can always manage to find a custom solution to reach you. Please contact us with any additional concerns.
Odor preventer is a mixture of shredded wood. It starts the decomposition process, immediately, so that your food scraps are turned into soil quicker and greatly reduces the smell of the food scraps in the compost bin.
The large paper bag acts as a liner and helps us dump your organics onto our compost piles more easily. Place your compostables into the bag, but don’t worry if food waste begins to touch the bin as it fills up.
Composting is a sustainable action, that we make simple for everyone with our supplies and valet service. It creates a cycle instead of a linear path to the landfills, and contributes to your local food economy when the soil is used to create fresh, chemical and pesticide-free produce. Learn more about the benefits of composting by reading our benefits page.
Please refer to our list of compostables for suggestions on what to compost, and things that can also be recycled!
Yes! With the use of odor preventer and our hot composting technique, even meat, bones, and dairy can be thrown into your compost bin. Give it an extra handful of odor preventer!
No, because of the anaerobic (or air-tight) method provided with our sealed bins. This method virtually eliminates the smell of your bin, and if you ever notice a strong scent all you have to do is cover the materials with the odor preventer when adding compostables to the bin!
We have options for weekly, every other week, and once per month. Please visit our subscriptions page. You can also skip a scheduled pick-up by notifying us 24 hours before the scheduled bin exchange.